Gardening on the Reservation?

Photo By Jennifer Jones  UNM Gallup student Manuel Rico.

Photo By Jennifer Jones
UNM Gallup student Manuel Rico.

By Natalie Jones
Campus Voice Staff Writer 

GALLUP—“Many people who live on the Navajo Reservation do not believe certain vegetables can be grown, said UNM Gallup student Manuel Rico.
“With the right ingredients and hard work it can be done.”
Rico volunteers his time gardening for his uncle’s church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, who uses the garden to teach self- reliance.
“All material for a successful garden was provided by the church to participants who then grow and maintain their own garden,” said Rico.
He helped with installing fencing, rototilling the ground and prepping the soil.
Participants grew everything from squash to potatoes to lettuce.
“I don’t dress the part but I do enjoy gardening and I’m becoming a pro at it,” said Rico.
He gardens for fun along with spending time with his son, Manuel, who will be turning four in April.
His other hobbies include spending time with family, playing basketball and lifting weights.
Rico also has a sense of humor.
When asked who he looks up to he said, “I guess whoever is 6 ft. and taller than me.”
He laughed and then said, “I would have to say my mother because she raised my siblings and I as a single mother and we didn’t turn out too bad.”
Rico said he looks up to all of his family members because they have always been there for him and have supported him in his decisions throughout his life.
As for being a student, Rico said, “I decided to continue school because in today’s economy most jobs require some sort of degree.
“I am also continuing school to try and set a good example for my son.
“I figure when he gets older he will want to accomplish a similar goal.”
Rico has enjoyed taking language classes including Spanish and Navajo, both which he can speak fluently.
His favorite place to spend time on campus is in the Student Service and Tech Center.
“Because it’s quiet in there,” said Rico.
Rico is currently working on a degree in Pre-Business Administration and hopes to get into the construction industry as a project manager once he has received his degree.